Friday 17 August 2007

I have just finished my first week of classes.
I think that they went alright but it is early days. I have already been able to make a couple of friends which is nice. The teachers also seem very nice. Ar first I was a little worried that I might have a struggle with the accents although I don't think that it will be a huge problem.
I was given homework straight away from all but one class. It hasn't been an issue though as most of my classes finish in the afternoon. I am just worried that I will think I have plenty time so do nothing.

I might be seeing a girl today that I met the day before yesterday and we started talking while waiting for our lunch. She was rather excited about the fact that I was Scottish and has told all her friends about me so they all want to meet me.

Oh, I saw my first dungarees today. That made me laugh.

I think I will be going back to see my host family this weekend so that will be nice. I am looking forward to catching up with them. Hopefully we will be able to go shopping at some point. I still haven't had a proper shop in the states yet.

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